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The city of Asheville Alcoholic Beverage Control manages the sale of spirituous liquor through business principles that promote excellence in customer service; establishes effective alcohol education partnerships; administers regulatory provisions; and instills financial accountabilities that benefit those we serve.


A Spirited Debate

Following the end of prohibition in 1933, a legislative study commission set about trying to determine the best way to manage and distribute spiritous liquor within North Carolina. They examined and debated the two most common types of alcohol control in other states: licensing (allowing licensed private businesses to sell liquor) and state control (an alcohol beverage commission that manages sales after approval by individual counties and cities).

If you live in or have traveled through the state of North Carolina and seen one of our ABC stores, then you probably have a pretty good idea of what type of alcohol control the commission ultimately recommended to the legislature. The logic they used in the 1930’s still makes sense today. By participating in the marketplace, control jurisdictions, like North Carolina’s Alcohol Beverage Control, are able to serve their citizens with a broader and more flexible range of policy options for promoting moderation in the consumption of alcohol beverages and for reducing alcohol abuse. Additionally, communities in North Carolina have a say as to whether and what kind of alcohol consumption they want to allow. This is known as a “local option.”

The State Board of Control that was established in 1937 is now known as the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission. It oversees the 49 county and 107 municipal ABC boards that sell liquor at retail, of which the Asheville ABC is one. The Asheville ABC Board was established in 1947 after a local referendum was put to a vote and passed, 8,839 to 6,139. The first retail sales began on December 15, 1947. Thirty-two years later, the electorate voted in favor of another referendum that allowed for the sale of mixed beverages. That vote was 7,765 to 6,091.  Through the sales of $869,111,881 in spirituous liquor and fortified wine in ABC stores in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, total revenue distributions amounted to $329,657,228 to the state’s General Fund and the cities and counties where alcohol sales are allowed.

Your ABC Board

Community leadership, community benefits

“The mission of local ABC Boards and their employees shall be to serve their localities by controlling the sale of spiritous liquor and promoting customer-friendly, modern, and efficient stores.” GSNC 18B-700 (a) (1)

The Board meets on the last Tuesday of every month (except July and December).


Robin Cape: Chair (Term expires November 13, 2026) Chappell Carter (Term expires November 13, 2025) Charles Triber (Term expires November 13, 2026) Kimberly Collins (Term expires November 13, 2027) Jan Davis (Term expires November 13, 2027)  

The Asheville ABC Board is appointed by Asheville’s City Council and serves at their pleasure. The Board has authority over administration, real estate, personnel and retail sales of liquor inside Asheville’s corporate limits. It is an independent unit of government which assures the responsible operation of the system within the boundaries of the laws and rules of North Carolina.


ABC Board Meeting Minutes – February 2025

Grant Program

Your ABC Board: dedicated to reducing substance abuse

The Asheville Alcohol Beverage Control Board extends to your organization a unique opportunity to expand our efforts to make a difference in Asheville/Buncombe County.

North Carolina law mandates that 7% of our profits from liquor sales “shall be spent for the treatment of alcoholism or substance abuse, or for research or education on alcohol or substance abuse.” Asheville ABC Board routinely devotes 7% of its profits to local substance abuse prevention and education efforts, and an additional 5% to law enforcement efforts.

In order to distribute these funds, the Asheville ABC Board solicits applications from area non-profits. The funds will only be given to organizations that meet eligibility requirements and provide a new or current project that addresses substance abuse education, prevention, and rehabilitation.


Grant Partners

  • First at Blue Ridge, Inc.  $25,000
  • Next Step Recovery, Inc.  $60,000
  • Our Voice, Inc.  $5,000
  • Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club  $35,000
  • Arc of Buncombe County  $35,000
  • Delta House Life Development  $10,000
  • PIVOTPoint WNC  $15,000
  • CARING for Children  $5,000
  • Helpmate  $30,000
  • Western Carolina Rescue Ministries  $5,000
  • NAMI Western Carolina  $10,000
  • Community Programs/ Prom Promise/Media  $30,000




The eligibility requirements/restrictions are listed below:

  1. Grants will be made only to non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable organizations which are exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or to governmental entities such as the State of North Carolina and its agencies, municipal corporations, and political subdivisions of the State.
  2. Funding is only available for the treatment of alcoholism or substance abuse, or for  research or education on alcohol or substance abuse, per Chapter 18B-805 (h) of the  North Carolina General Statutes. These guidelines will be strictly adhered to.
  3. Funding is restricted to programs that provide services primarily to Buncombe County residents.
  4. Grants will be made for a one-time project or on-going project.
  5. Agencies that do not meet reporting and evaluation guidelines will be excluded from consideration for future funding.
  6. Grant recipients may be required to provide matching funds equal to the amount of the requested grant.
  7. Grant payments will be made quarterly.
  8. All grant money must be spent or encumbered to the awarded project prior to June 30 of the program year. An extension may be given upon request.
  9. Evaluation Report Forms must be submitted at the conclusion of the grant cycle. Failure to meet the report deadlines will disqualify the organization from future ABC funding.
  10. Applicants will be notified in writing of project funding.

Please use the Grant Submission Application below. (pdf)

To download the Grant Application,  click here.

Alcohol Awareness Program

Be Aware

The Asheville ABC Law Enforcement Division provides a program to ABC permitted establishments to educate employees on the possession and sale of alcohol. The program, conducted by an ABC officer, covers the following areas:

  • Underage Sales
  • Forms of Acceptable Identification
  • Storage and Handling of Alcohol
  • Employee Age Requirements
  • Other Prohibited Sales
  • Dram Shop (Civil Suit)
  • Happy Hour Regulations

The Asheville ABC Law Enforcement Division encourages permitted establishments to take advantage of this free program. If you would like an officer to come to your location, please contact us by phone: 828-251-6805, or submit the following request form.


    Your Name (required)
    ‹label> Your Email (required)
    [emai]* your-email]
    < label > Subject

    < Label> Your Message



    MXB Operations

    Shaken or stirred?
    In addition to retail sales, another revenue source for the Asheville ABC is mixed beverage operations, which were approved by Asheville voters in 1979.

    The term “Mixed Beverage” means (at least to us) sales to restaurants, private clubs, etc. These businesses, called “permittees” pay an additional tax over what retail patrons pay for liquor. This additional tax amounts to $3.75 per .75 liter bottle. In Buncombe County, there are approximately 250 establishments licensed by the state of North Carolina to sell spirituous liquor “by the drink” on their premises.
    These establishments purchase their liquor by calling our Mixed Beverage outlet, faxing or email. The Asheville ABC Board presently has four locations to serve our permittees.

    Mixed Beverage Operation hours:

    Broadway, Hendersonville Road, Long Shoals Road and Asbury Road

    Store hours are from 10:00 am – 9:00 pm.

     Mix-Beverage Ordering Procedures

    1. E-mail your order to us if possible:
    2.  You can also fax your order to:
      • 828-253-5661 for Broadway location
      • 828-505-3705 for Hendersonville Rd location
      • 828-676-0806 for Long Shoals Rd location
      • 828-665-7014 for Asbury Rd location
    3. We also allow online ordering. Please contact store for online ordering information.
    4. Please list your selections in numerical order.
    5. We are happy to provide you with same day order and pick up service.
    6. Delivery is available for a fee. Please contact location for details.

    Pickup Procedures

    1. Please back into parking space.
    2. It is the Outlet’s responsibility to check the orders before leaving the store for loading.
    3. Please come prepared to load your order; however we are happy to assist you when staffing permits.


      1. Cash
      2. Checks  – Returned checks will be charged a $20.00 NSF fee. After the first returned check in a 12 month period, no more checks will be accepted for a 12 month period. After reinstatement, the first returned check will be $20.00 and no more checks will be accepted for a 12 month period
      3. Credit or Debit cards
      4. Fintech


